case study

CME Group Explainer Films

Futures and Options and Margins, Oh My!

Hedgers, speculators, commodities, exchanges, derivatives, liquidity and risk: microeconomics demystified. Each explainer film in this lighthearted series blends live-action and animation to playfully illustrate the nuance of supply and demand. 


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CME Group Explainer Film:

“The Story of Oil”

Why do gasoline prices fluctuate? To understand why it’s like this, we have to look beyond the pump to see the bigger picture.


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CME Group Explainer Film:

“Risk on the Ranch”

Geopolitical events, global demand, fluctuating currencies and, of course, the weather are all factors in what you pay for your food. Watch how hedgers use futures to keep price consistency at the grocery store.

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CME Group Explainer Film:

“Foreign Exchange Market”

How do wholesalers, banks and governments manage risk when buying and selling in the 5 trillion-dollar foreign exchange market? Global conditions like government policy, political unrest and fluctuating foreign currencies spells volatility. 

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CME Group Brand Film:
“How the World Advances”

